We Invest in People

One-third of our life is spent at work; the average person spends 90,000 hours at work over a lifetime period. For something that takes up that much of our time, we believe people deserve to get more out of it than just a regular wage.

Today, BPM is delighted to announce that we have achieved the Investors in People standard, one of the highest awards for excellence in people management. This means that the principles and practices around supporting people are deeply embedded in our culture and that our staff understand how to use them to make work better.

Culture is becoming more and more crucial in businesses. The health and well-being of colleagues are rightly at the centre of any sensible strategy and will only become more and more critical. This award is a recognition of our People First culture and our work to ensure our co-workers and customers have a great experience.

 About Investors in People

Investors in People exists to make work better. It offers accreditation to firms that adhere to the Investors in People standards of people management. Since its founding in 1991, the accreditation has been a sign of a great employer that offers rewarding work with a clear commitment to people development.

Today, it is considered a benchmark for any well-run organisation; it signals to employees and customers an organisational commitment to ethical business and people management excellence. It also acts as a torch bearer to assist the recruitment process, workforce development, and the building of vibrant company culture.

How we are doing that?

 We embrace the role our business plays on a day-to-day basis in contributing to better society while making maintenance activities as simple as possible. We strive to create local prosperity by generating employment opportunities and making wealth circulate in the local economy.

We strongly believe that our employees are our biggest asset and consider the time and monetary expenses spent on employee development to be a worthwhile investment. Our equal opportunity and employment development policy directs us to create a working space where people feel respected and valued and can achieve their full potential. While regular training and mentoring programs, along with timely appraisals, help keep our employees motivated.

The BPM team was assessed against a framework to understand how we lead, support, and improve our people and have a culture of physical, social, and psychological well-being. We could not have achieved this status without our people; almost all the staff of BPM has participated in focus groups and interviews as part of an independent external assessment by Investors in People.

This recognition is a great testament to our investment in our people, our desire for continuous development, and our collective efforts to foster an inclusive culture where everybody can flourish personally and professionally. We are proud of our people and their achievements, and we are committed to continuing investing in targeted human resource initiatives that aim to support our organization’s purpose and people’s aspirations.

If BPM sounds like a good fit for you, why not apply for one our career opportunities today?

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